QEHS&S Commitments

Quality, Environment, Health, Safety & Security

At Anderson Development Company, we are committed to enhancing the "Quality of Life" of our stakeholders by striving for an incident free workplace through the continual improvement of:

•  Health, Safety and Security;

  • •  Environmental Preservation through consideration of the environmental, health, safety and security impacts     of our activities, products and services;
  • •  Customer Satisfaction;
  • •  Meeting compliance obligations and other agreed upon commitments;
  • •  Supporting the Responsible Care® Guiding Principles.


Anderson Development strives for an accident and injury free workplace by identifying and eliminating workplace hazards and is committed to providing a safe working environment for our employees. We employee highly trained professionals who play an important role in ensuring safety in our manufacturing operations. We provide our employees with the equipment, procedures, and training necessary to reduce exposure to hazards and to ensure our employees are capable of safely operating equipment. We maintain multiple Safety Teams to improve health and safety performance. In addition, employees participate in our quality, environmental, health, safety, and security "near miss" reporting program, which is communicated throughout our entire company to promote awareness and prevent future incidents. Employees also periodically participate in job safety analysis (JSA's) reviews to identify and assess workplace hazards.



Anderson Development is strongly committed to preventing catastrophic accidents associated with the manufacture of chemicals. To this end, we support a culture that promotes process safety. There are multiple elements involved in our process safety management systems including preventative maintenance, process hazard analysis, pre-startup safety review, and management of change. Proper design, operation, and maintenance of facilities are important aspects of process safety. Anderson Development meets the Product Safety Code of Management Practices.



Although our products provide many benefits to society, they must be managed in a responsible manner to prevent negative impacts to people and the environment. Anderson Development is committed to promoting product safety and stewardship throughout the value chain. This includes all aspects ranging from sourcing raw materials to our customers using and disposing of our materials. Anderson Development meets the Product Safety Code of Management Practices.



Anderson Development Company is committed to ensuring the security of chemicals.We cooperate with appropriate governmental agencies and local municipalities to preserve the security of our community through the protection of the public, our employees, facilities, products, and information. We are committed to reducing the risks associated with the delivery of our chemical products and manage our distribution system to minimize the potential for issues that could occur.



Anderson Development aspires towards environmental preservation through sound operation of its manufacturing facilities as well as through the development of new products and technologies. We are actively involved in pollution prevention, utilizing control measures to minimize emissions into the environment. We endeavor to minimize waste and practice the three R’s of waste minimization (reduce, reuse, and recycle).



Anderson Development is a customer-focused organization that aspires to meet or exceed our customers’ requirements. As a learning organization, to better serve the customer, to be more efficient, and to do things right the first time, Anderson Development is focused on continual improvement and embraces opportunities to learn and improve.



Anderson Development utilizes an integrated management system based on the concept of Plan, Do, Check, Act. We are committed to conforming to Quality and Responsible Care® Management System (QRCMS) requirements. We set and review goals and objectives to ensure continual improvement in our QRCMS. We promote a spirit of openness with our key interested parties, considering employee, public, and customer inputs.

Continuously improving product quality, service, and overall value to customers is a vital part of our strategy. To drive improvement, Anderson Development Company has adopted ISO 9001. Also, additional quality elements have been adopted to meet customer specific needs.

Anderson Development Company is committed to improving environmental, health, safety, and security performance. To demonstrate this commitment, ADC has obtained registration to RC14001, an environmental, health, safety, and security management system standard.