iChallengeU a two-week educational opportunity for high school students to work with area teachers, corporate, civic, and community leaders to develop solutions to real problems posed by the corporate/civic/community partners. Teachers trained in project based learning will work with the partners to identify “driving questions or challenges” that reflect real issues or problems in the participating companies and organizations. Student teams will have two weeks, through their own research and evaluation processes and by working with assigned teachers to propose solutions to the real life questions or challenges.
This was Anderson Development’s third year participating in the program. The challenge presented to the students was in the area of Quality Assurance. The driving question/challenge was how can ADC improve our customer satisfaction program and how to get increased participation and more quality responses?
ADC had a team of five students who worked at our facility for 2 weeks doing their own research on the challenge and worked on their propsal. At the conclusion of the program, the team presented their solutions to ADC and also participated in a competition involving other participating teams. ADC is planning to implement some of the ideas the team came up with into our business in the near future.
You can view the team’s presentation here (YouTube video): ADC iChallengeU 2017 Presentation